Has it really been a month since we started diggin' in the back yard?!?! The crazy spring weather in Colorado played a part in the delays, but man is this taking a looong time. Here are some pictures of the progress. I really hope to have everything done next week at this time. Maybe a Memorial Day BBQ should be in the works??
Here is the backyard, with the new fence and GRASS! It looks like a different yard. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but the previous owners did some weird stuff in the yard. Basically, they buried their yard with 4 inches of dirt. When my landscaper started tilling up the dirt, they found rocks cemented together under the first layer of dirt, an extra sidewalk, and lots of landscape fabric. Fun. Just a bit more clean up and some trees and this part will be looking good!

And the front yard! I think the grass looks so nice compared to the crazy groundcover that was there! In the mulch, we will be putting some plants in, see below...

And another shot of the front yard. Much better.

And last but not least, here are a few of the plants that will soon be in the front yard! The guy is actually put them in right now as I type this.

So progress is happening, just a little slowly, but what else is new! I have come to expect seriously long delays when doing anything around this house.