Well folks, there is something to blog about again... Starting today, the landscaping is getting an overhaul. The jist of the makeover is basically to remove all the chaos that has accumulated over the neglected years and replace with easy to maintain grass including a sprinkler system!!
Here is the "before".
Starting in the front:

There are at least 5 different types of ground cover, plus grass in this mess. Scraping all of it out will be step 1!

The hardest decision was what to do with the area between the sidewalk and the street. I almost went with rocks, but I just couldn't do it. The new plan is grass with some flagstone pathways to the street.

And to keep you from getting bored I talked my little models, Sadie and Maggie, into getting into the pictures!

Last Friday, the demolition actually started with the removal of some sidewalks in the back yard. Gotta think about tricks to keep the pets in the yard when the back fence gets ripped out!

Here is Sadie, getting ready to see some changes on her favorite part of the yard.

Keeping the grass and the dog, all else will change.

Even the deck will get overhauled. How many dogs can you find in this picture??

Aside from the landscaping, there are just a few other updates to mention. I have a roommate!! Woot! Jill makes my life more fun and gives me someone to watch Millionaire Matchmaker with, someone to drink on the deck with, and someone to motivate me to pick up more and get organized, and she even vaccuums!! I'm so lucky that she wanted to move in!
This is the most random tagging I have ever seen. Who tags my garage with the word LOVE! that's just non-sense. And super annoying.
And one last picture. I've seen this little face in the window so many times, I can't keep count. I wanted you all to see it to, isn't she cute?

I'm so ready for the summer! Bring it on!
And save the date for a May Day party - May 1st - assuming the landscaping is done, which it should be! It will be a little house welcoming for Jill and (hopefully) an enjoy the landscaping party.